How others take your opportunities
Before continuing reading this post stop reading for one minute then think how many businesses did you plan to start then you postponed them, how many opportunities have you participated and leave them thinking they are scam? Do you think you have power to start something ever remembered in the world? Do you think how many opportunities have you lost and being taken by others whom you became their customer?
"Unfortunately,you did not stop reading instead you have you have quickly jumped to the next sentence to see what will happen. Don't worry it is a joke"
Remember that,every day more than ten opportunities cut across you but there are numerous factors which make you not see them or you see them but you ignore them.Some of them are lack of education,culture,policy,environments,peer group and lack of capital. But all of them are swallowed by only one factor,lack of internal altitude. You fail to utilize your opportunities or start your business not because you don't have capital,education,support or other factors I mentioned above,it is because you don't have an internal altitude.
"If force acts from inside the egg life is created but if force acts from outside the egg life ends"
If you have an internal motivation you can do something great even if you don't have capital. You have unlimited opportunity to learn everything through internet but you don't use this opportunity as it should. Statistics show that
websites,channels,groups and pages which have many followers/subscribers are those which talk or post about love,sports,entertainment and information but those which post about success or economy/entrepreneurship they have low subscribers. I'm not sure if you will subscribe to this blog.
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